
太平洋人文正规博彩十大网站排名项目是一个选择性的, one-of-a-kind educational experience dedicated to the promotion of humanities disciplines in academics and beyond. It is designed to foster an intellectually rigorous and culturally rich community in which students can learn, 茁壮成长. The program also enables students to complete an optional accelerated track to achieve their BA in just three years.


太平洋人文正规博彩十大网站排名 is a prestigious program at Pacific that attracts and supports intellectually motivated students who exhibit curiosity in the arts, 文学, 媒体, 现代语言, 音乐, 历史, 文化, 和哲学, 以及其他跨学科的研究领域. 在全国的荣誉项目中独一无二, 太平洋人文正规博彩十大网站排名 enables students to explore the humanities both in and outside the classroom by visiting art museums, 音乐演唱会, 实验电影, 世界级的剧院和其他沉浸式体验. We also provide a structure for our scholars to blend their love of the humanities with practical, 实践学习, 独立研究项目等等. I look forward to talking with you further about how 太平洋人文正规博彩十大网站排名 can help you grow as a person and achieve your aspirations.


人文正规博彩十大网站排名计划的录取是通过邀请的. 除了仔细审查学生的GPA, 课程严谨性, extracurricular 活动 and the quality and 内容 of the applicant’s personal statement, the Humanities Scholars Program follows the holistic review process practiced by the Office of 本科 入学.


Please select "Humanities Scholars Program" when asked about our honors and/or scholars program on your application for admission.

If you've already applied without selecting that option, please reach out to admission@gmhaipeng.com 表达你的兴趣.


Jennifer Morrow is passionate about the humanities and chose Pacific's Humanities Program because she wanted to be part of a community of people who shared her passion. 

One of the primary goals of the 太平洋人文正规博彩十大网站排名计划 is to create a powerful intellectual community among its members. 在学习期间, Humanities Scholars enjoy close relationships with students and faculty who are passionate about the humanities. 教职员工与人文正规博彩十大网站排名密切合作,以便:

  • 帮助学生设计自己的专业和学习课程
  • 提供课外活动, 活动, field trips and projects to encourage a deeper exploration of the humanities disciplines
  • Understand the intersection of the humanities with science, technology and other fields
  • 挑战学生的文化、社会、道德和正义知识
  • 促进职业目标和抱负

The 太平洋人文正规博彩十大网站排名 program encompasses the following majors:

  • 英语
  • 太平洋学院的探索性学习
  • 平面设计 
  • 历史
  • 媒体X
  • 现代语言(法语、西班牙语、日语、汉语)
  • 音乐(作曲、教育、表演、历史、治疗) 
  • 哲学
  • 政治科学 
  • 工作室艺术 

除了, 学生有机会自行设计他们的专业, drawing from a combination of disciplines within or outside of the humanities.

浓缩 经历

The 太平洋人文正规博彩十大网站排名 experience is enriched by a variety of cultural and social excursions, 只提供给我们的正规博彩十大网站排名. 从伟大的歌剧院到亲密的地区剧院, 从加利福尼亚海岸到俄勒冈州的Rogue Valley, our scholars travel far and wide to observe the role that the humanities play in modern society.


SFMOMA is one of the most prestigious museums of modern art in the United States, 献给收藏, 保存, 展示世界上最好的艺术. They feature both modern and contemporary artwork in a seven story gallery in the heart of San Francisco, and earlier this semester our scholars had the opportunity to experience these works first-hand.


The historic War Memorial Opera House in San Francisco has been spotlighting operatic theater since 1923, and earlier this season our Humanities Scholars had the chance to view one of the first ever performances of Dream of the Red Chamber, 根据曹雪芹的小说改编的歌剧的全球首演. 全英文演出,配有中文字幕, 这部歌剧展示了令人难以置信的文化融合, 以及过去和现在的统一.


每年, the Humanities Scholars Program makes a trip to the renowned 俄勒冈莎士比亚节 in Ashland, 俄勒冈州. The festival is one of the most highly regarded Shakespearean theater companies in the world, performing numerous Shakespeare productions each season along with several contemporary works. This trip exposes our students to a high quality theater experience in an authentic venue: America's first Elizabethan Theater.


